Friendship Guarantors

The Grand Lodge Hiram Abif Inc. holds signed friendship guarantors with many sister lodges around the world, including:

The Independent and Sovereign Grand Lodge of the United Rites (Paris)
– The Mixed Grand Lodge of France
– El Gran Oriente De Cataluna (Barcelona)
– El Gran Oriente Ecuatoriano Nueva Era (quito)
– The Sovereign Mixed Grand Lodge (Paris)
– The Gran Logia De Lengua Española
– The Grand Lodge of Italy
– The Grand Lodge of Peru
– The Gran Logia Oriental Del Peru
– The National Grand Lodge of Canada
– The Grand Lodge Ani of Canada
– The Grand Lodge of St-Jean Des Orients Overseas
– The Grand Lodge of Lebanon
– The United Grand Lodge of Lebanon
– The Gran Loja Panorama Do Brasil
– The Feminine Grand Lodge of Romania
– The Grand Orient of the United States of America
– El Gran Oriente Maçonico Do Brazil
– La Gran Loja Patriotica Do Peru
– La Gran Loja Unida De Santa Catarina
– El Gran Oriente Unido Do Brazil
– La Gran Loja Masonica Feminina Do Estado Do Rio Do Janeiro
– La Gran Loja Feminina Do Estado De Sao Paulo
– La Gran Loja Feminina Do Brazil
– La Grand Lodge du Maroc
– La Gran Logia Soberana Y Libre de Venezuela